Friday, February 1, 2013

How I envision the Regency's palace...

I'm sure that whenever we read something we all envision the characters and places a little differently. So, I've added a picture that I hope gives you a visual idea of what one of the major places in this novel looks like.

In The Crimson Bond, Brooke is kidnapped and taken to the Regency's castle by... well, I'll let you read and find that part out ;)

But, the picture below is the closest depiction I can find of what I imagined the Regency's castle to look like.

And a lot happens to Brooke at this location. Brooke discovers a lot about her past, takes her relationship with Alex to the next level, really gets to know Ethan better, and well, once again, I'd better save the big life changer that happens for when you read the book.

Until then, here is a quote from Alex to Brooke taken from a scene in The Crimson Bond that occurs at, where else? The castle pictured above :)

"You are the air I breathe, the essence that gives me life, and the only thing that makes living an eternity worth it."

And get ready, because Book 2 of The Crimson Bond series is releasing sometime this month!!!



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