Thursday, May 16, 2013

Character board for The Crimson Bond Series

So, right now I'm working on the third and final installment of The Crimson Bond series and thought it would be fun to share a peak of the character board I use when I'm writing.

There is some total eye candy on there, so the view while writing is definitely not bad!

What do you think? Do they look like you imagined?


If you haven't read books 1 and 2 of The Crimson Bond series you can check them out on Amazon.

Well, I guess I should get back to writing before it's time to stop and pick the girls up from school!



Friday, May 10, 2013


Perhaps it doesn't take much to make me happy, but I experienced something this week that was a first and was un-freaking-believable!

I went to my mailbox and laying inside was a slim cardboard box. I knew, just knew, that this was the box. The one containing my first ever actual, tangible, living, breathing (okay, well not literally, but...) beautiful and breathtaking (for me, anyway) BOOK. Yep, that's right. That's all it took to make me as excited as a teenage girl after her first kiss. See? I told you it doesn't take much.

I have three ebooks, but My Only Exception is the first one that I've actually made available in paperback. And, eeeek!, it was so exciting actually holding in my hands the pages containing Presley and Braden's story. There's something so real about it.
So freaking unbelievable. Eeeek! Okay, I'm done. Promise.
And, I could not finish this post without recommending an awesome paranormal romance I read this week, Charity Moon. It was way too easy to lose yourself in Charity's world. Not to mention a totally drool-worthy hottie named Levi who will have you falling for him right along with Charity. You won't want to put it down!! Go get it!!:)
Well, I'm off to soak up some sunshine. Happy Friday!!!